胡滨,男,1981年4月出生于河北。博士,英国威廉希尔公司预聘副教授,博士生导师。所在学科为光学工程,主要研究方向为微纳光学。博士毕业于中国科学院微电子研究所,毕业后于新加坡南洋理工大学做博士后研究。研究涉及基于表面等离子体和超材料的超分辨成像,基于二维材料的表面等离子体微纳光学器件,磁性表面等离子体物理特性和器件,基于金属纳米颗粒表面等离激元增强的生物传感,全矢量衍射算法等领域。2013年加入英国威廉希尔公司,同年获教育部新世纪人才支持计划资助。主持和承担多项省部级以上项目,包括自然基金面上项目,国家重点研发项目等。在国际著名光学及物理期刊Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, Appl. Phys. Lett., Nanotechnology发表多篇文章30余篇。主讲物理光学、程序设计基础、微纳光学等课程。承担教研教改项目2项。指导博士4名,留学生3名,硕士生6名。担任《光学技术》责任编辑,是PTL,EPL等国际期刊的审稿人。
1. 表面等离激元光学;
2. 超材料、超表面器件;
3. 石墨烯光子器件;
4. 微纳光学;
5. 全矢量衍射算法
1. 《光学技术》责任编辑;
1. B. Hu, B.-Y. Gu, B.-Z. Dong, and Y. Zhang, "Transmission resonances of two-constituent metal/dielectric gratings with subwavelength slits," Appl. Phys. Lett. 92(15), 151901 (2008).
2. B. Hu, B.-Y. Gu, Y. Zhang, and M. Liu, "Transmission interference tuned by an external static magnetic field in a two-slit structure," Appl. Phys. Lett. 95(12), 121103 (2009).
3. B. Hu, B.-Y. Gu, B.-Z. Dong, Y. Zhang, and M. Liu, "Various evaluations of a diffractive transmitted field of light through a one-dimensional metallic grating with subwavelength slits," Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 8(3), 448–454 (2010).
4. B. Hu, Q. J. Wang, S. W. Kok, and Y. Zhang, "Active Focal Length Control of Terahertz Slitted Plane Lenses by Magnetoplasmons," Plasmonics 7(2), 191–199 (2011).
5. B. Hu, Q. J. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Systematic study of the focal shift effect in planar plasmonic slit lenses," Nanotechnology 23(44), 444002 (2012).
6. B. Hu, Q. J. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Voigt Airy surface magneto plasmons," Opt. Express 20(19), 21187 (2012).
7. B. Hu, Q. J. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Broadly tunable one-way terahertz plasmonic waveguide based on nonreciprocal surface magneto plasmons," Opt. Lett. 37(11), 1895 (2012).
8. B. Hu, Q. J. Wang, and Y. Zhang, "Slowing down terahertz waves with tunable group velocities in a broad frequency range by surface magneto plasmons," Opt. Express 20(9), 10071–10076 (2012).
9. B. Hu, J. Tao, Y. Zhang, and Q. J. Wang, "Magneto-plasmonics in graphene-dielectric sandwich," Opt. Express 22(18), 21727 (2014).
10. B. Hu, Y. Zhang, and Q. J. Wang, "Surface magneto plasmons and their applications in the infrared frequencies," Nanophotonics 4(1), 2192–8606 (2015).
11. Z. Wang, B. Hu*, B. Li, W. Liu, X. Li, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "Active focal control of an ultrathin graphene-metal metasurface lens," Mater. Res. Express 3(11), 115011 (2016).
12. B. Li, B. Hu*, Y. Yang, Z. Wang, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "Demagnification Imaging Improved by Mask in a Hyperlens Photolithography System," Plasmonics 12(3), 735–741 (2016).
13. Z. Du, B. Hu*, P. Cyril, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "High sensitivity plasmonic sensor using hybrid structure of graphene stripe combined with gold gap-ring," Mater. Res. Express 4(10), 105013 (2017).
14. Z. Huang, B. Hu*, W. Liu, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "Dynamical tuning of terahertz meta-lens assisted by graphene," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34(9), 1848–1854 (2017).
15. Z. Du, B. Hu*, W. Liu, J. Tao, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "Plasmonic resonance of distorted graphene nano-ribbon analyzed by boundary element method," Opt. Express 26(20), 25962–25973 (2018).
16. W. Liu, B. Hu*, Z. Huang, H. Guan, H. Li, X. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Yin, X. Xiong, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "Graphene-enabled electrically controlled terahertz meta-lens," Photonics Res. 6(7), 703–708 (2018).
17. W. Liu, B. Hu*, Z. Du, Z. Wang, X. Zhou, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "Enhanced Electric Tuning of Raman Scattering in Monolayer Graphene by Gold NanoRods," Plasmonics 13(1), 275–280 (2018).
18. Z. Du, B. Hu*, W. Liu, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "Tunable beam deflector by mutual motion of cascaded bilayer metasurfaces," J. Opt. 21(11), 115101 (2019).
19. Z. Liu, Z. Du, B. Hu*, W. Liu, J. Liu, and Y. Wang, "Wide-angle Moiré metalens with continuous zooming," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36(10), 2810–2816 (2019).